Steam freight passing site of Persley Station, between Bucksburn and Kittybrewster in 1955.
Taken from the old Maggie moss Road bridge at Scatterburn. The station was still in use as
a house. A new bridge was built alongside the old one in the 80's and the once rural road is
now part of the highway to the north of Aberdeen and, a major bottleneck. This photo was
taken with a small 'bakelite' camera with a wire viewfinder and a fixed-focus lens. Purchased at
(little) Woolworth's for two and sixpence (Half Crown). (2½ pence today). It took 18 pictures
on a 127 size film.
1964. The north end bays during shunting movements to form a goods train for the north.
The station porter is wearing the new 'blue' B.R. uniform, which was still on trial before being
accepted nationally at the end of steam in 1966. Standing here today sees quite a different view,
The bay has been filled in and is a car park, while the skyline above is now hidden from view,
under the Trinity Shopping Center operates KEZL-FM Culbertson, NE A Non Profit Full Powered Radio Station